Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How I love Latvia

We have four sets of friends who are in Latvia getting their children right now.  Amazing.  Beautiful.  Divine.  Holy.  Precious.  Selfless.  Redeeming.  Loving.  Giving.  Changing.  Exciting.  Hopeful.  Christ-like.

I am so blown away at what God does through the hosting program.  I am so blown away to watch families walk journeys where no 2 are alike, they are full of twists and turns, laughter, tears, joy, pain, and watch a child be claimed at the end.  To GOD be all all all all ALL the glory.

They are on my mind.  And it made me go back through some photos from my last trip there.  I want to share them.  The beauty of the country.  The beauty of the hope.  The beauty of the journey.  And if you are interested in purchasing an 8 x 10 of any of the photos for $50 each, all the money will go to Project One Forty Three for future children's hosting fees.  :0)

I love Latvia.  I love hosting.  I love adoption.  I love God.

If you are interested in being a part of one of the most amazing things ever... hosting a child and changing their life forever through love and a few weeks of your life... then please visit http://www.projectonefortythree.com for more information.  You will never be the same.  It changes generations.

Much love,

QUESTION:  Do you like the new look of the blog?  I am not sure if it is cool or a little impersonal?  I miss my banner with pics of the family but kinda like the look.  Not sure... whatcha think?

POST EDIT!  Wow.  Over 125 people have viewed my post in the past 24 hours and not one comment.  Crazy.  I seriously think I should turn off comments and then I won't wonder why no one could speak up!  LOL Anyway, I went back to the previous design.  I thought the new one was cool and loved the magazine layout but didn't like that viewers could change the layout themselves (odd) and it was a bit cold.  If it had been magazine with the banner, I may have kept it a while.  But anyway, and I know it is oh so important, (ha ha) I changed it back!

1 comment:

  1. It is really insightful, thanks for sharing.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!