Friday, January 22, 2010

Need I say more...???

This has been a trying week, yet also one with great presence of the Lord, hope, and peace.  Friday brings with it some closure and some anticipation.  Friday is a good day.

Fly Boy gets home from a three day this afternoon and I am hoping to go out for some time alone.  I have a great book I am reading and am also very much wanting to purchase the "Consumed" album by Jesus Culture.  Great music, great book, and great company (my Lord) is always a great recipe for some refreshing of heart, spirit, and soul.

I have a friend from high school who left on the 21st to go to China to meet, hold, love, and bring home her second, "hand picked" from God, daughter!  I am so excited for her... for all of them.  A team from New Horizons for Children left this week, as well, to travel to Latvia, Ukraine, and Russia to speak with the children who were here and interview new ones.  Prayers for these two situations are so appreciated.  It was very disappointing and frustrating that our question has still not been asked.  Waiting is very, very hard.

This pic if from my friend's blog and I had to add it as it made me laugh out loud about 6 times!  I am guessing it was not Friday here!

Happy Weekend... and be sure there are no giggling children in your dryer before you turn it on!

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