Tuesday, January 06, 2009

12 Day Detox- Day 1

I am very excited to be starting my New Year off with a full body detox! I have just been blown away from what I have learned about the amount of toxins we take into our bodies from our food (through the lining in cans, plastic bottles, pesticides, hormones, fertilizers, preservatives), makeup (yep... I am now using Almay's natural line and Bert's Bees lip gloss), cleaning products (Clorox has launched a wonderful natural cleaning products line), DRINKING WATER, artificial sweeteners and other such JUNK!

So my very precious and wonderful friend, Mary Jane, has introduced me to a detox she does on a regular basis and I am SOLD! She gave me the book for Christmas, The Fast Track Detox Diet, and I have spent a week preparing myself and my menus.

Today's Menu turned out to be delicious and I am looking forward to tomorrow.

Breakfast: Hard boiled egg, wheat and gluten free blueberry waffle (sans the syrup) and fresh strawberries, blueberries and mango sprinkled with flax seed. Cranberry raspberry juice.

Lunch: Grilled Laura's Lean sirloin steak with fresh cracked pepper and sea salt on a bed of Chinese cabbage with scallions, cucumber, red onion, lime juice, apple cider vinegar, sea salt, cracked pepper and olive oil! We had almonds and apple on the side. Mouth erupting it was and Abby inhaled it and had seconds!

Snack: Celery sticks with peanut butter

Dinner: Baked grouper topped with garlic sauteed shrimp with a side of fresh greens salad with pear, cucumber, and crushed almonds. Fabulous!!!!

There are several rules. No Caffeine. I had to give up coffee last week. One of the major preps for me. I did sneak two cups of decaf but am without it fully this next two weeks. No Sugar. Done... hard, but done. No gluten. Since I am already a label reader for Abby and up to par on the badness of gluten... done. No alcohol. Done. No milk and cheese. Oh... will badly miss the cheese! I sprinkle fresh parmesan on everything. But ok... done (for now). No artificial sweeteners. These are VERY VERY bad... already off them... no chlorine for me and my family! (sucralose is a chlorinated sugar derivative... they used to "think" it passed through the body without being absorbed but guess what... ooops, they were wrong! Mercy... stay away from splenda). And drink half of your body weight in ounces of water per day! (for me that is 8 glasses and I did just finish my 7th!)

There is also a food list you have to choose so many things from a day. It's full of wonderful whole and natural foods and is very easy to make a menu from. There are specific foods for colon cleansing and liver healing and eaten in the right balance or combination, your body starts to heal itself (after it goes though a healing crisis). Day 8 will be a day of fasting... very exciting! ha... you actually get to drink this wonderful cranberry juice concoction all day so it can't be that bad!

So we're off and I am super excited about shedding toxins (along with a few pounds) and hoping for a lifestyle change in the way we eat. We already eat pretty well but I want better! See you tomorrow.

** I love this blue glass bottle! We started recycling last year and I was actually about to place this in the recycle bin when I thought it would make a beautiful bud vase in my kitchen! It's a Q-10 vitamin bottle of Abby's!

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