Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Guess What!?

Well, last week, as I folded clothes and tears rolled down my cheeks for Abby, I had my third washing of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit gives you knowledge... it comes instantly, fully, and beautifully washes over you, leaving you smiling and going.... "Ohhhh... OK....!"

As many of you know, I have loved my alone time while Abby is at school. I do Bible studies and of course, run a business. That time while she is away, in an atmosphere that she loves, has given me a sense of balance. I have never considered home schooling... never. I can be quoted as saying, "It's not for me."

But Thursday, my heart changed and my eyes were opened and I was "washed" the the idea, desire, and even conviction to be my precious one's teacher. How it seems so "natural" now is totally a "God Thing".

The other amazing thing is how God has orchestrated certain things in my life to get me to this point, to prepare me for this task, and to willingly let go of other distractions (I'll elaborate more on that one later!).

So today, in my pajamas, I start the task of changing the playroom into a school room. I am bubbly inside with excitement and thanksgiving. I am thrilled for my little one... we both will bloom.

1 comment:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!