Fall is well underway! Leaves are falling in rapid fashion and many trees are already bare... standing and soaking up the sun... getting ready for their winter rest.
The colors of fall just make me happy inside. Such vibrant colors have commanded my attention on numerous occasions this fall. Sadly... I busticated my camera coming back from FL and now it's off in a Nikon factory somewhere... all alone. And I am missing great opportunity for pictures. Boo Whooo. :0(
But I did manage to snap these at a Punko Patch with Abby's class on her fall trip a couple weeks ago.
I think she and I both could have just stayed in that tiny little petting zoo all day with the sheep and the bunnies. The poor sheep did not seem to be all that happy about all the little paws pawing them.
This was the friendliest one there and she just sat there the whole time... poor dear. The others all huddled up under the bunny cages and acted like there was a pack of wolves in house! I felt so bad for them.
Here is Abby's teacher! Isn't she just the cutest thing ever! I simply adore her and her love for the Lord and for her class! She is amazing and such an answer to prayer. Hugs to you little Miss Thing! :0)
I am overflowing with thankfulness today. I am so excited to be in VA next week for my favorite holiday... Thanksgiving. The entire thought of it leaves me all warm and fuzzy inside! I am already planning for the car activites! And we are stopping in Fredericksburg on the way to see some great friends from our past and share dinner and breakfast with them! What a bonus!
I will have to take my little tiny snap and shoot camera. :0( But some pictures will be better than no pictures. And when I am there... I may sneak some shots with my mom's mac daddy try to make me jealous and sin camera! She just got it a couple months ago and I may need to try it out! :0)
10 Thankfuls for Today!
1. Thankful that Abby has gone two mornings without a seizure! Praise the LORD!
2. Thankful for the ability to spend my favorite holiday with family I love so so much!
3. Thankful for AMAZING and POWERFUL prayer, healing, and encouragement Saturday night at our night of fellowship!!!!
4. Thankful that the LORD doesn't leave us alone... He calls us closer and closer and reveals the things that keep us from Him, sin, so we can repent and be free of them!
5. Thankful for amazing friends who are coming tonight to pray over our home!
6. Thankful for a full pantry and fridge. Thank you Father!
7. Thankful for my husband's job, the flexibility is gives our family, the health insurance it provides, the travel benefits, and the income!
8. Thankful for sweet friends who are real and true and loyal and constant.
9. Thankful for a warm home with yummy new paint and the fabulous shutters my man is building for us!
10. God's active, alive, audacious power and His mercy, love, grace and constant Presence!
Happy Month of Thanksgiving!!!!