Sunday, July 25, 2010

For Sale

It's been a long time coming... kinda.

I have been playing with it for a while...

and opportunities keep presenting themselves...

and more and more people are telling me to do it...

and more and more people are trying to hire me to do it...

and it is super fun...

and so I am going to start selling my photography!
Details are coming soon!


  1. How wonderful! I can't wait to see what you are offering! Congrats!

  2. You are honestly one of THE most creative people I know. God has truly blessed you with such a talent, whether it be writing, decorating, taking pictures, you are so artistic in every way. BTW I "stole" one of your crafts. Alei & I are decorating our shoes tomorrow :)

  3. sign us up for a photo shoot! :)

  4. YAY! You are so talented and I can't wait to see more!!! You go girl!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!