Thursday, October 23, 2008

This little face of mine...

I'm gonna let it shine. God is so sweet. He is so very faithful and He is so very active in our lives.
Abby's behavior lately has been trying. My patience has been stetched and my heart just exhausted.
I have been praying... a lot... for God to soften my heart and change my attitude towards to it.
Last night, Abby had a huge emotional breakdown... hmmmm... sound familiar...?
I left her upstairs with her daddy and returned to the dishes and it hit me at the sink.
I have been feeling "off"... in a funk... and have had my own emotional breakdown from a little pill I have been taking two months for 5 days each month. This precious little one is on HIDEOUS amounts of anti-seizure medications daily... and has been for years... and we just had to increase one of them two weeks ago because her seizures were becoming more frequent.
I was overwhelmed with "understanding" and the frustration left and my heart softened in an instant. God is so sweet. God is so faithful. God is so precious to me. I walked upstairs and sat in the hall floor and rocked her and sang to her until she was done with her "little moment".
If this is the only reason I have been taking Clomid for two months... it's so very worth it.

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