Thursday, July 31, 2008

Life Keeps Coming...

I wish I could write something funny and light, seriously, I do... but the mood is so far gone! Life is running at me hard right now and I am so very very tired. We took a few days last week to sneak away to our lake house and it was much needed and appreciated... although the peace was short lived.

Abby had two seizures this morning that confirmed my suspicion she had one a couple nights ago... and so up again we go on one of her drugs to try and stop them. You see, seizures are tricky little creatures... that's how I see them. The longer she goes without having one... the harder it is for her to have one. Once they start breaking through... it's like they remember how to do it or the path they took and she can have another one easier... so I actually see them as visual little creatures of havoc. I hate them.
On top of that, in addition to the various heavy family issues... I went to the girlie doctor today. I have had two episodes of what I think are ovarian cysts rupturing and have been in some pretty hefty pain. My last episode was this past Saturday night that has left me in pain since. So today I was told I need to have surgery... soon... to check some things out and to see if I have endometriosis. I have been having issues since I was about 16 and so I am ready... I am ready for the next step and hopefully some answers and relief.
So that's the latest in a small nutshell... I will attempt to leave on a lighter note. Having looked at some of my friends blogs that include much more fun than mine (hmm hmm... Teecy), I have decided to add a little list of ten things you may not know about me (or care to know) to try and lighten things up.
1.) As a child, half my bed was in the closet to give me more floor space to play on in my room!
2.) My first kiss was in the 8th grade behind some bushes in his yard (he was a neighbor).
3.) I love frosties with hot salty french fries.
4.) I have written a couple of children's books that have not been published.
5.) I love to watch golf on television... and college football and basketball.
6.) I love storms. I think they are a personification of God's awesome power and beauty.
7.) I love dogs and really do not care for most cats.
8.) I used to have to clean feeders in a chicken house on my grandparent's farm when I was a child with bleach water... may have something to do with my fertility issues! ha
9.) I get passionately angry about things I do not agree with like abortion and taxes!
10.) I spent two summers in Gitmo (Guantanamo Bay, Cuba) as a kid before it became a compound and it was two of the coolest summers of my life!
There... see... everything is not so bad!

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