Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Saving a Bee

I found a bee inside our porch that was trapped. It was so weak it just fell into my cup. I was heartbroken and put my lunch eatting outside on hold to try and revive him/her. So I put it on the table and tried to give it some water. Then I plucked some blooms and set him on one. He got a bit of pep and started climbing all over it and putting his little sucker thing out and so I was hopeful.
Then I went back to my lunch and had an idea. I raced back over and gave him a piece of apple. He ended up on the apple and going to town with his sicker thing (really should look up this much needed term here).
So here is the precious little creature. I also petted him for about 5 minutes and gave him encouragement on "coming back". As I made jewelry, I went back to the window to check on him. About an hour later, after several times of checking, he was gone. I am going to think he flew off to live happily ever after and was not lunch for some bird or something. So, yes, he made it and I am thrilled!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Oh my gosh, as kind hearted as you are, that was just too funny. You're a true humanitarian, lol.



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