Tuesday, September 25, 2007

And We Are Off Again!

Yeah... our journey to Caroline continues and we are fast moving on the path! We are back with our adoption agencey we used for Abby's adoption, World Partners Adoption, and we are so very very excited that we can return to Kazakhstan! Our application was accepted yesterday and I have already started on the dossier.

Abby is thrilled and is so very precious. Her favorite nickname has been "Scooter". If we said, "OK, honey"... "that's fine precious one"... she'd reply, "I'm Scooter."
So the other day, we were talking to her about the process and stuff and Abby declared, "I'm going to be "chicken wing" (one of Daddy's nicknames for her) and let Caroline be "Scooter".
How precious is that!!!! So now... everytime we slip up and call her "beautiful, precious, honey, or little one" we now here... "I'm chicken wing and my sister Caroline is Scooter!"
This is our official family photo with our application. I thought it very appropriate they wanted Abby in the picture too. We will be in Kazakhstan for 5 weeks when we go to get Caroline and Abby is coming with us too. We are so very excited we can take her back to her country... maybe even to some very special places if we get to go to Almaty again! Hopefully we will be going to get Caroline in 8 to 9 months!
So anyway... that's the latest on the adoption journey... very exciting stuff!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Congratulations!!!! I'm so excited you're going back to Kaz ... how great for Abby too! Can't wait to see how things progress for you. You'll be in my prayers!


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