Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Open your mouth Mommy...

I had the most HORRIBLE visit to the dentist on Monday. I had broken a front tooth the week before (yes, my moment of becoming a true redneck) and Monday was the earliest they could get me in. With the appointment at 2 p.m. and Don on a three day trip, one babysitter not being home from school in time and the other out of town... Abby went with me.

I am thinking it is going to be about a 2 hour procedure and then we'll be on our way. I am thinking it will be a good thing for Abby to see me at the dentist and give her encouragement for her future visits.

Well.... 20 MILLION shots later, one temporary crown flying on the ground, two jumps out of the chair onto the ceiling, FOUR HOURS and twenty minutes, and yes, finally tears.... it was over... for now!
I have NEVER in my life. MERCY does not do this experience justice. After the doctor had been gone so long that the shots wore off, he came in and stuck something in my tooth/gum and I shot through the roof in utter utter utter HORRIBLE pain... Abby jumps into my lap and YELLS..."Don't hurt my mommy... get another doctor in here!" At this moment I am fighting back tears, trying not to further scare her, and trying to convince her that everything is ok and that the doctor is not bad and that he didn't hurt me... that I just jumped for fun!
It goes down hill from there and I have to go back to the dungeon of torment again tomorrow to FINISH what was not finished in FOUR HOURS and 20 minutes the first time! MERCY!!!!!!!
SO Abby put on my "eyewear" and said, "Hi Mommy, I'm the doctor... open your mouth." I felt confident she could do a better job and so I complied!
I HATE going to the dentist!


  1. HAHAHA!!! My side is hurting from laughing about the description of your unfortunate experience. I may regret it after my trip to the dentist next week. Abby is BEAUTIFUL!

  2. Anonymous12:05 PM

    PLEASE PLEASE do NOT tell us about your next dentist experience, I ABSOLUTEY HATE the dentist and have needed to go for over a year now and your story is NOT helping me.
    BTW I'm thinking you need a new dentist.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!