Friday, July 27, 2012

The Liebster Award

Thank you to my sweet cousin, Candi, over at Did I Really Sign Up For This, for nominating me for the Liebster Award!  So sorry it has taken so long to "do my part" but here it is!  And it was fun.  And thank you for being my biggest fan!

This award is given to up & coming bloggers with less than 200 followers.  Liebster is German and means sweetest, kind, lovely, endearing, and welcome.

How it works:

  • Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
  • Answer questions that the tagger sets for you and then create 11 questions for the bloggers that you tag.
  • Choose up to 11 bloggers and link them to your post
  • Go to their page & tell them 
  • No tag backs :)
  • And lastly, have fun!!

11 Things about myself...

1.) I really, really, really enjoy sushi... I think I could eat it every day.

2.) Garden grown tomatoes are totally my favorite vegetable.
3.) I HATE how food is grown, processed, and mass produced in this country.  Really.  It makes me VERY ANGRY.
4.) I do what I can to make a difference where I can.  I know remind myself daily I can't save the world.  But I try and do my part. Whether it is recycling, reusing, growing a garden (small/tiny one), advocating for children, hosting, adopting, not eating certain things (like VEAL, beef *unless free range/grass fed and hormone free, and pork), turning off ceiling fans when I leave the room and shutting the computer down at night to save power... I try, where I can, without becoming a total freak!
5.) I LOVE LOVE LOVE shopping at consignment and thrift stores.  I could care less about labels and abhor the thought of paying someone our hard earned money for their name and to pay for all their extra homes and private jets!
6.) I often see the world in pictures.  Seriously.  My mind totally frames certain things I see and that has led to my love for photography.  Oh yeah... I LOVE to take pictures.
7.) My hope and desire, deep desire, is to live for the LORD and be a reflection of His love and glory.  I am so very thankful for His presence in my life and how He reveals Himself to me and draws me closer.
8.) I am a hair nightmare.  I have liked my hair... maybe on three occasions.  I am not sure why... but it is so.

What I think my hair looks like!

What I would LOVE my hair to look like!

And what it looks like. Ick. Blah. Ughhh.  I darkened after this picture and it has already faded.  It. will. not. hold. color. anymore. Ughh.  HAIR DRAMA MAMA NIGHTMARE!  OK. Moving on...

9.) I LOVE NATURE and ANIMALS.  I have decided I must be the zoo keeper in heaven!  LOL  There is something so pure and spiritual about an animal and the way they communicate and display emotion.  I am drawn to them like crazy and even let bugs go out of my house!  I feel God's presence envelope me like a warm blanket when I am standing in the beauty He has created.
10.) I secretly long to live in a great little country cottage in the middle of almost nowhere (close enough to somewhere when I get stir crazy) and have a year where I grow flowers, tend to goats and chickens, garden, knit, sew, and bake.  My soul longs to slow down.
11.) I am passionate and very opinionated.  ROFL  Who knew!??  ROFLA

 11 Questions answered...

1. What famous person living or dead would you like to have as your best friend?  Hmmm.  Hard one.  But I seriously would love to hang with Beth Moore.  She is so spunky, real, and full of wisdom.  She would just be delightful to have as a BFF!
2. If you could go back in time and change one thing in the world's history what would it be?  Hitler would have never been born.  He would have been a miscarriage for sure.
3. What super power would you most want? Easy.  I want to fly!
4. What is your favorite home design style? Cottage.  I love the way it is individualized, collected, colorful and yet calming, and warm and soft.  I find it very inviting and comforting.
5. Would you rather be color blind or unable to smell? I would be so so so sad not to see color... missing God's sunsets and rises alone would be heart breaking.  So I would have to give up taste to continue to see Him for sure.
6. What is one vice/habit that you wish you could give up but you can't? Being defensive.
7. Beach or Mountains? BEACH
8. If you could have the perfect body/looks and all the disposable income you'd ever need in an instant but you knew someone, somewhere in the world that you didn't know had to die, would you do it? Never.  Not worth it for a moment.
9.  What is your favorite feature about yourself? Physical feature- my eyes.  Overall feature- passion.
10.  Do you believe in soul mates? Kinda.  I believe God knows our days before we are born, He has laid them out, and knows who we will marry.  We can walk in that or we can go our own way.  So if you walk in His will, I believe you marry/are connected with who He has set apart for you!
11.  Would you rather go to the moon or to the bottom of the ocean? Both make me so claustrophobic I just want to scream thinking about it.  Neither.  Gotta say neither.  I need a way out... immediately.  Can't handle this one. 

Now... 11 questions to ask...

1. What is your favorite book?
2. What is your worst vacation story?
3. What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
4. Who was your first best friend and do you still know them?
5. Worst mistake? Best decision?
6. If you could be an animal, which one would you become?
7. Would you take a movie part or a book deal?
8. If you could start one business with guaranteed success, what would it be?
9. Morning person or night owl?
10. What is your idea of the perfect day?
11. If you could choose one city to visit for a week, where would you go?

And now my nominees!

Sadly, I have just 6 to nominate as the rest of the blogs I love have OOODDLLLESSS of followers!
Be blessed and have a fabulous weekend!