Thursday, July 02, 2009

We are back.

We got home around midnight last night. There was a canceled flight and everyone from that flight got on my flight and so I did not. It could have been worse. I am thankful it was not.

It was a very nice trip. The weather was amazing and it was so nice to be with my family. I miss them so much. Marc did great on the airplane and was such a trooper.

Abby did well, considering she is now majorly sharing the spotlight. Prayers for her adjustment are so appreciated. Prayers for wisdom and patience on my part for her are also very much appreciated. She is having a hard time. I am thankful it is so normal... but feeling unequipped to deal. I try to be prepared. But I am/was not. I need to find a good book on the subject. Any suggestions? God will guide us through... as HE always does... just a day at a time.

After the break, I am feeling more motivated to tackle the house once again. We hunkered down today and were all in our Pg's (Pajamas) until 5 p.m. I finally stopped long enough to get dressed and go to the store to buy some food. Hopefully, tomorrow will be even more productive.

It's been one month. One month since this little wonder has joined our family. And I continue to be blown away. Blown away with God's power. His goodness. And the fullness of a love that continues to expand into every corner of my being... it overflows. Wow. I pray I can always be open to walking on the path that God in His mighty wisdom has planned for me... it is not always easy... but it is beautiful and full.


  1. I love that first picture, he looks like he's saying "Say what?" lol

  2. What a beautiful mommy...beautiful son...beautiful picture...beautiful friend.
    I love & miss you!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!