Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Medication Change
After several discussions and prayer, Don and I have decided that since we don't have seizure control anymore, we are going to try a medication change. We are changing from Topamax to Keppra. In order to do this, levels of Keppra have to be up before we can start lowering her Topamax. We HATE she will be on three medications and pray that her little body can handle this transition. We are supposed to increase her dosage again in four more days. We also have an appointment with the neurologist later in the month to discuss this and other things.
Your prayers for guidance, strength and rest are appreciated. Abby has increased to an average of three seizures a day since Saturday. They are almost always at 12:15ish a.m., 3:15ish a.m. and 5:15ish a.m. SO if you happen to be up at any of those times and want to hit your knees for some intercessory prayer... GO FOR IT!
Thank you for your love and prayers and kind words of encouragement. We love and appreciate you all.

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