Tuesday, August 12, 2008

First Day of First Grade!

What a blessing it is to see our precious one start first grade! She was so excited and a tad nervous. I was more nervous for her this year than before! I followed her schedule at home all day and prayed her through all her activities!

I was sad for her because she had a seizure at 5 a.m. and so she was still a bit droggy and aprehensive when I dropped her off. But when I picked her up she was happy and chipper and thrilled about her first day!

She has a very sweet teacher and we are very excited about the amount of help she is getting this year with her work. We are also hopeful that she will be able to learn better as we are in the process of tapering down her topamax (one of her three seizure meds). We are convinced her very high levels are to blame for her inability to retain and process information. We have researched the side affects online and are saddened to see that adults on 75 mg can't function properly... she's been on 245 mg a day along with THREE OTHERS! MERCY.

It's so hard to balance her quality of life with seizure control and the amount of medication she is on. We want her to be able to learn and develop yet we HAVE to keep the seizures away... so, your prayers, as always, are appreciated as we increase her Keppra levels and decrease her Topamax. She has had several seizures this month already and so we remain on our knees and wait to see what happens.

We'll keep you updated.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad she had a good first day of first grade! She looks so cute!
    I start school on Monday...I'm nervous...teachers get nervous too!!
    Love ya!


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