Thursday, April 24, 2008

Another store... 50 more disks to stamp... and more...

I am so sorry I have been out of "blog world". I am immersed in stamping land! I got the store I had another appointment with this past Monday and am filling that order for this coming Monday. I've had to hire and extra set of hands... I have my first employee. Whew... it was so cool to have her doing all the jewelry cards while I worked on other things... very cool getting things done in half the time!
I have two other stores I am working on. They both are in Florida. I've made contact with one while I was there and spoke with the owner. She is expecting samples and I must get them out soon... like tomorrow! The other one I am waiting until next week. I am fearful she'll say yes and I'll have another huge order... crazy... catch 22! Anyway, I am hopeful they both will happen. There could be one in Alabama... hint, hint... if she wanted! :0)
In the meantime, there is not much time for me to play on my blog. I've also had a very large amount of etsy sales in the past two weeks. I sold a pair of earrings last night, relisted another pair of them this morning and they were sold again by lunch! BRING IT ON!!! I need a lap top!
Life wise... Abby continues to progress and we are getting very excited about some things we are seeing in her processing ability and just her ability to understand things. She is blooming and I adore her. She is over three months seizure free now and we have an appt. on Tuesday with the neurologist to discuss starting to SLOWLY wean her off one of her anti-seizure meds... we'll see.
Don is in Florida right now as we just learned last night that his younger brother is in the hospital with colon cancer. Please pray for him, his name is Kevin. Our prayer is that he will make wise decisions and take better care of himself. We also pray that he is able to get the chemo he needs and will recover. We also pray that we are guided in how to be God's love to him during this time and that he will become aware of his true need for the Lord in his life. Thank you so very much, as always, for your prayers.
I had my first physical therapy appointment this week and will be going twice a week. It left me feeling worse than I did when I went in... ughhh. But I am hopeful that in some time, I will not be in pain every day. My therapist also told me I could return to Pilates in a few weeks... maybe just two! If I could only figure out how to make jewelry while on the Pilates ball.... hmmmmmm... could be a fun class!
Lastly, we have just been preapproved with an adoption placing agency in California. They work to place adopting families with birth mothers and children here in the states who need adoption. Some of the children they have placed are toddler age. Please pray we are guided by God through this process and we are open to where He may lead us. We are hopeful this may be the way to our Caroline. We will keep you posted!
Have a wonderful weekend!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Oh Dawn!!! I am thrilled about your pre-approval for a domestic adoption!!! Both our children were adopted domestically at birth. You may e-mail me if you would also like to know our agency or our stories. I have actually prayed that this might be an option for you guys; traveling in the US may be much easier on Abby. Oh....I'm excited!!!



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