The Power of TEN
How often do we wake up and ask, "What can I do for you today, Lord?"
I am guilty. I get up and start going through the motions. And before I know it,
half the day is gone and I have not even spoken to my creator, much less asked him what
I can do for him that day. I am his servant. I am his hands and feet.
So I am sharing a challenge with you today. I am giving you an idea of something you can
do for the Lord today, for a friend... a sister in Christ, and for another Latvian orphan.
It's THE POWER OF TEN challenge.
And it will change this child's life forever.
I have a friend, Jama, who has been led to host a 13 year old girl from Latvia, Sabina.
It recently came to her heart and after much prayer, she is moving forward, trusting God.
She is single. She needs the $2500 hosting fee.
When I prayed with her about it, the money was one of her hurdles.
I assured her that God could provide money and to not let the enemy give her doubt about that.
Are there 10 of you out there who have $10? Do you have 10 friends in your work place, church, bible study, mom's group, neighborhood? Do you have 10 minutes to email them, call them, walk to their cubicle, or ask them in the break room for $10 each to help bring an orphan to a loving Christian home for five weeks? I thought you might! Do you know what that would do!?
That would raise more than $1000!
And 110 people would be a part of touching this child's life!
Is that not amazing? Is that not EASY?
Is that not the kind of thing we should be doing every day!?
I think so!
So I challenge you... be the Lord's hands and feet today and help
bring Sabina to a loving home. Collect the checks and mail them in!
** Checks should be made out to "New Horizons For Children" **
and mailed to:
New Horizons For Children
3950 Cobb Parkway
Suite 708
Acworth, GA 30101
*** Please put "Jama Acuff Hosting" on the memo line of checks.
All donations are tax deductible.
THANK YOU for being part of such an exciting program that
changes the whole course of a child's life! BIG, BIG, HUGS TO YOU TODAY!