Friday, February 12, 2010


Abby is doing so well... it makes my heart fill with joy.  She is down to 25 mg of Topamax in the a.m. and only 50 mg. in the p.m.  She was at 100 mg in the a.m. and 150 in the p.m.!  THIS is because of God... His power, His mercy, His blessing, His healing, His touch, His hand, His presence... and I am so very thankful.  She is learning.  She is more "with it".  Her behavior continues to be a challenge but we continue to pray for God's guidance in how best to discipline her as we love her deeply!   

Marc turns 2 next weekend.  Wow.  And 2 he is!  His language is coming...slowly... but coming along.  Geege is "George" for Curious George... his new found buddy!  His newest word is "up"... yeah... we like functional words.  He is also increasing his desire to attempt words... he makes the "sssss" sound for "s" and them "ummmmm" so now I am trying to get him to put them together for "some" when he wants something!  He says "more, nanna, mommy, daddy, Dusties, Abba, book, jack jack (jacket), ni night, hi, eeshe (juice), dugies (cookies), Isha, (Elijah), and a couple more.  He has recently hit the extreme seperation anxiety that is VERY trying right now.  So we are praying about that big time!   

So now we are getting ready to go to the lake house  for the winter break and planning Marc's party... it's a Dr. Seuss party!  He loves those books!  It's going to be cute... of course!

My children bring me joy this Valentine's Day... their health, their smiles, their growth, and their funny little quirks!  Happy Love Weekend!

Dawn~  xoxoxoxoxo

1 comment:

  1. Dawn,

    so glad to hear things are going well with Abby! Happy Birthday to Marc. A friend of mine sent this to me..I think you will like it is about 7 minutes long, but well worth the time.



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