Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday 5:25 p.m.

The Lord is my strength, and I will forever call to Him.
The Lord is my shield, and I will forever cling to Him.
The Lord is my light, and I will forever seek Him.
The Lord is my path, and I will forever run to Him.
The Lord is my comfort, and I will forever fall into Him.
The Lord is my guide, and I will forever trust in Him.
The Lord is my provider, and I will forever pray to Him.
The Lord is my security, and I will forever rest in Him.
The Lord is my Father, and I will forever love Him.
The Lord is my Saviour, and I will forever proclaim Him.
The Lord is my Redeemer, and I will forever praise Him.
The Lord is my Everything, and I will forever be whole in Him.
Dawn~ (turn off music before playing)

And so I worship...

1 comment:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!