Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hard Times a Comin...
OK... they are here. They have actually been here and we have been encouraged by government and the media to "keep spending"... "keep spending"... "that's what stimulates the economy".... "spend, spend, spend!"
Sadly, many listened and kept spending... spending money they didn't have... increasing debt... decreasing savings, and over extending.
Now lenders are going under, banks are going under, and the government is bailing them out with MASSIVE amounts of whose money... OUR MONEY... MY MONEY... TAX PAYERS MONEY! (note: i usually don't get political on my blog so beware... I'm in a swirl and I'm in a mood... bad mood)
I sat in line today at a gas station for over 45 minutes to get some gas for my car. I passed three gas stations on the way that were already sold out and this one only had four pumps working. As I pulled into line, I was fourth. Within five minutes, there were eight cars behind me spilling out into the street. The pumps were so empty that it seriously took about ten minutes for each car to get "enough" gas.
As I watched Yukons and Expiditions and Massive Trucks pull in line and to the pump, I found myself angry at them for being such Massive Gas Guzzling Nonessential Reminders of People's Lack of Personal Responsibility! Why? Why do people think they NEED these society driven ridiculous vehicles that take up and use far too much gas? Hummers... give me a break. Go to war if you want to drive one! (I did warn you I was in a mood)
The newspaper yesterday was FULL of articles about the economy and how it "may" be in trouble or "appears" to be in trouble. It's in trouble people! Reading about the pay outs the government has made for certain corporations made me livid. More of our money being spent to bail out people who have lack of personal responsibility. Money my husband and I have spent time working for to be paid to lenders who have lended money to banks who then lended it to people who are "spending" to buy these ridiculous vehicles and homes. Now the economy "appears" to be bad and people can't make their payments. Some of them file bankruptcy and sneak out of their homes in the middle of the night. Then the banks don't have the money to repay the large lenders and then the lenders go under. So to save them... back into our pockets they go.
Now this irritates me so because we are paying for the lack of personal responsibility of the Jones in the next neighborhood who bought a house they couldn't afford and are driving cars they can't afford while we are making the sacrifices and choices based on some personal responsibility. All the while my husband's hours and pay has been cut and our investments are disappearing and the value of our house is decreasing. But we can pay for everyone elses BAD CHOICES! Then the government can come back to us and tell us how they need more of our money and increase taxes. ( I probably should run around the house for a few hours and come back to finish.) Did I mention the fridge just broke too!?
Now, while I am in a VERY BAD MOOD about all this... I do find comfort, although just a sliver at the moment, in God's Sovereignty. It WILL be ok. But it will get worse. Our country lives in a set of way messed up priorities and God's got some shaking up of things to do. People MUST take personal responsibility for the imprint they leave on their little space of earth! IT AFFECTS EVERYONE!
I need to go bake some cookies or something...

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